It has been an action-packed eight months on the road, travelling 24,132 kilometres in the Awards RV and an additional 12,632 kilometres in the Mary Valley Rattler 'Rattler on the Road'. We've stayed at 136 towns this year and took more than 10,000 photographs! While it was without doubt an epic road trip, our main motivation is not seeing the countryside. We invest in this significant activity to support regional and remote destinations through meetings, services and promotion. Our key tool for that promotion is social media – the go-to communication for both mature-age travellers and those keen to see street art from across the country. It warms our heart to know that our engagement rates are way beyond the tourism sector and social media norms – 9.25 percent for the Grey Nomad Awards and 6.71 percent for the Australian Street Art Awards*. And the most common icons that our users choose when ‘talking’ to us on Facebook? A smiley face, hearts and kisses!